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Your Treatment Strategy For IBS

The gut's got a mind of its own. Ask anyone with irritable bowel syndrome and they'll tell you, the good days are usually sporadic. And those bad days...ouch.
While it's not uncommon to experience symptoms of an upset stomach from time to time, if they happen frequently, it's time to get serious about IBS and how to deal with it. What's frequently? Several times a week, or the point where it affects your quality of life and those around you.
Ok, we're established that IBS sucks. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work on an effective strategy to deal with IBS and make it more bearable. And at the heart of that strategy: Digestive Science IBS Relief System, which brings hope to patients with this life-altering condition.


Before we go further, let's establish some ground rules that will help us create a strategy for lasting relief.
There are medicines for IBS symptoms, particularly diarrhea and constipation. However, such medicines often come with side effects and lose their effectiveness with repeated use. More over, there's enough evidence to suggest that IBS medicines can alter the constitution of the GI tract and are not safe for long-term use. The same goes for laxatives.

We also assume that you're keeping a journal of your IBS triggers and symptoms. Remember that IBS is unique to each patient, and while some triggers are more common than others, it's important to note foods that trigger your symptoms, the time of day, and which treatments reduced your IBS and made your day just a little more bearable. More

Your IBS Strategy

Oddly enough, you might find you can reduce your IBS symptoms in your head.
There's an indisputable connection between the mind and the gut. Estimates suggest that 90% of your serotonin receptors are located in your GI tract. Serotonin, being a neurotransmitter that sends signals of well-being to the brain, plays an pivotal role in IBS. And more importantly, may hold clues to reduce the pain and discomfort.

There is evidence to suggest that psychological treatments, including cognitive behavioural therapy, psychotherapy, hypnosis and meditation/relaxation techniques can all reduce the discomfort of IBS. Such treatments alone won't eliminate your symptoms. But when explored within a comprehensive strategy to manage IBS, should alleviate some of the pain that irritable bowel syndrome can cause.
You might also consider herbals and supplements, including peppermint oil and probiotics. The former is a common IBS treatment that may prevent spasms in the small intestines. The latter refers to the "friendly" bacteria that occur naturally in the gut and that eliminate the harmful bacteria (like salmonella) that can wreak havoc on your insides.

Digestive Science IBS Relief System

The good news is that there is an IBS treatment available that incorporates some of the ideas we've explored in this article. And it offers pain relief, chia and a constipation- fighting dollop of psyllium husk. The treatment? Digestive Science IBS Relief System.
We've seen that IBS medicines and laxatives can do more harm than good to your GI tract and don't get to the heart of the issues that can cause IBS in the first place. IBS Relief System is a three-part natural therapy for your gut, of pain relief, probiotic support and fiber and nutrient supplement for ongoing digestive health and comfort. Combine them, for natural, lasting relief.
Keep in mind that IBS can be a chronic issue, and any attempt to tackle this issue should be viewed as a comprehensive, ongoing strategy to minimize pain and to record triggers and the subsequent symptoms.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a miserable way to go through your day. But with Digestive Science IBS Relief System, your day gets a whole lot better.

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