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Sleeping Habits For the Shift Worker
Society wouldn't function well without the night shift worker. After all, if police, firemen and nurses punched out every night at 5PM, we'd have serious problems!
That said, the night shift can present challenges to the worker designated to work them. If you're one of the eight per cent of Americans that work night shifts, you're probably familiar with the sleep-related issues that creep up with this lifestyle.
Alteril believes that with planning and commitment to proper sleep hygiene, anyone can sleep well.
The trick is to minimize the disturbances caused by working nights, and sleeping during the day.
You can't avoid the effects of night shifts on your body and in your life completely. But with the tips you'll find in this article you can manage them effectively, and hopefully, be a happier and healthier person for it.
Start by making a consistent sleep schedule to suit your shift work. If you're working from 11PM to 7AM, for example, you might consider sleeping from 10AM to 6PM each day.
If you only work nights, keep the same routine, even on your days off. This minimizes disruption to your circadian rhythm and makes it easier to maintain the same schedule during the work week.
Having said this, if you work four ten-hour night shifts and have three days off, you can try to sleep regular hours on days you're not working, and enjoy daytime activities with your family and friends. The longer you have to adjust to a new sleeping pattern, the less of an adjustment it will be.
While having a fixed schedule has benefits, it's often impossible to avoid rotating shifts. Many employers take steps to minimize scheduling changes (alternating weeks between days, evenings and late nights, for example). Again, the more time given for the body to adjust to a changing shift pattern, the easier the transition.
At work, make your environment as bright as possible, to increase alertness and to adjust to the shift. Have a coffee or two as you start your shift, but avoid stimulants in the last four hours.
Avoid bright lights near the end of your shift. Buy a good pair of sunglasses and a hat with a brim to block out sunlight on your way home.
Keep your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep. Make it dark and cool. Invest in a durable set of light-blocking blinds, as light can trigger confusion with your circadian rhythm and make it harder to sleep.
Ask your family and friends to avoid calls and visits during your sleeping hours. Have a phone answering service, or turn the ringer off on your phone if possible.
Try to minimize noise. This can be difficult during the day, but it's essential to sleeping well. If night shift work is a regular part of your routine, be sure to locate your bedroom away from noisy neighbours, street noise or any other source that can keep you up. Admittedly this can be challenging, but as a night worker, you'd be wise to live away from noisy street traffic, an airport or train tracks.
Finally, have Alteril as a back-up plan. During the first day of a new sleeping pattern, for example, Alteril is a safe and effective sleep inducer that can have you snoozing while the rest of the world is working.
You see, most traditional sleeping pills require a doctor's prescription and come with unpleasant side effects, including dry mouth, loss of motor function and a groggy feeling when you wake.
What's worse, sleeping pills can be highly addictive and come with the risk of an overdose.
Being all-natural, Alteril is a highly effective sleep enhancer with none of the known side effects of sleeping pills. Moreover, with its use of some of the most effective natural sleep aids, including l-tryptophan, melatonin, l-theanine and valerian root, Alteril is clinically proven to induce deep and quality rest, meaning you'll feel refreshed and ready to tackle your shift when you wake.
At the very least, having Alteril available will put your mind at ease and make it easier to get the sleep you need, day or night.
Combined with the tips outlined in this article, you're on your way to sleeping effectively and feeling alive when the rest of the world sleeps.